「3D打印出來」的 STEM LAB
設計師: Edmond Wong, Milton Chow
四邊的拱型牆身變成不同主題區域,包括教師黑板區、學生討論及匯報區、Digital Fabrication和Makers' Station。每個區域的上方或下方的空間都作為展示或儲物用途,令房內的儲物量及展示空間大大提升。
由 3D 打印到絕美穹蒼
我們利用一系列平面的弧形木條子組成一個立體的穹蒼,這正跟 3D Printing 中的切片 (Slicing) 原理相同。看著眼前的
天花進行觀察,便能直觀地讓小朋友了解 3D 打印的重要概念。房的兩側設有主題學習牆,讓小朋友快速掌握「Digital
Fabrication」及「Maker Station」相關的機器、工具及展覽相關的學生作品。
We take advantage of the five-meter-high ceiling to break the traditional boxy classroom setup by ingeniously intersecting a large sphere with the original rectangular space. The top of the sphere becomes the ceiling, while the curved sides form cabinets. This design echoes the geometric principles in the Mathematics component of STEM education. The overall design is futuristic, with a black and white color scheme adding a sense of futurism and technology. The lines of the sphere enhance the fluidity of the space.
The curved walls form different themed areas, including a teacher's blackboard area, a student discussion and presentation area, a Digital Fabrication zone, and a Makers' Station. The space above or below each area is used for display or storage, greatly increasing the room's storage capacity and display space.
From 3D Printing to a Stunning Dome
We use a series of flat, curved wooden slats to create a three-dimensional dome, mirroring the slicing principle in 3D Printing. Observing the ceiling helps children intuitively understand important concepts of 3D printing. The room features themed learning walls on both sides, allowing children to quickly grasp the machines, tools, and student projects related to "Digital Fabrication" and the "Maker Station."

STEM Tunnel為通往房間的走廊,使用了具速度感的顏色及流動線條作為設計語言。斜面設計除了表達速度感之外,亦能成為擺放STEM LAB標飾的位置。




不同打印和切割機器集中放在Digital fabrication區域,令學生更易連繫相同理念的原理和知識。區域的上方設有學生3D作品展示區,而下方的儲物櫃可分類存放不同打印及切割物料。下方區域同時預留了放置八架流動車的空間。

配合「動手創作」的主題, 將工具整齊地在展示架排列出來,能激發學生主動使用。我們利用高處的儲存空間放置學生作品。展示作品的釘板可靈活安裝於展示架上,可配合不同展覽的需要。區域的下方為儲物櫃。