設計師: Edmond Wong
這是放在商場的展覽設計,推廣「遊戲到家」的概念,令小朋友在家中能體驗到遊戲的樂趣,並從中得到學習的成果。遊戲融入了三種教學模式,包括Montessori, Free Play 及 Sensory Play。在設計上,傢俱融入了三種教學方式,令小朋友透過遊戲中學習。
是次展覽整體設計以家居為主題場景, 教學主題以「生活技能」為主調, 運用溫暖的木色調, 配以粉色設計。此外, 傢俱亦配合教學, 教授小朋友一些與生活有關的知識, 例如文字、 數字、算術等。
設計提供大量開放空間, 其中傢俱配合了教學, 希望教授小朋友一些生活技能,設計亦提供大量開放及展出空間, 讓小朋友可以自由地活動,進行創作等。
This exhibition design, located in a shopping mall, promotes the concept of "Play at Home," allowing children to experience the joy of play and achieve learning outcomes from the comfort of their homes. The games incorporate three teaching modes: Montessori, Free Play, and Sensory Play. The design integrates these teaching methods into the furniture, enabling children to learn through play.
The overall design of the exhibition is themed around home settings, with a focus on "Life Skills" as the educational theme. It utilizes warm wood tones paired with pink design elements. Additionally, the furniture is designed to support teaching, helping children learn life-related knowledge such as letters, numbers, and arithmetic.
The design offers ample open space, with furniture aligned with the teaching objectives. It aims to teach children essential life skills while also providing plenty of open and display areas for free movement and creative activities.

空間以木及粉色為主調, 塑造溫暖的感覺, 配合Dining Room的主題。

提供大量存放玩具區域, 半高櫃令小朋友能夠輕易拿取玩具, 訓練孩子的自律性。

場地中央保持靈活開放,可擺放不同組合的桌子,支援多樣的教學方式,方便進行Free Play 及創作需要。


地面貼上不同顏色的數字貼紙, 劃分出不同的區域, 也令小朋友可以運用想象力, 在上面玩遊戲。